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Pre-Operative and Day of Surgery Instructions

ParkWest Surgery will call you the day before surgery to confirm your arrival time.

Please note that this may differ from the original time that your Doctor's office gave you due to schedule changes.


Please follow the instructions below carefully.

If these instructions are not followed, it could result in the cancellation of your surgery. They are for your safety.

  • Do NOT eat or drink after midnight in the evening prior to your surgery.

  • No hard candies or gum.

  • You can brush your teeth and spit out the water.

  • You may take your prescribed medications with a small sip of water in the morning on the day of surgery.

  • Do NOT take diabetic medications and/or insulin the day of surgery.

  • Stop taking blood thinners 7-10 days prior to surgery.

  • You may take Tylenol for pain relief if needed.

  • Notify your surgeon of any new illness such as a fever, upper respiratory infection or urinary infection.

  • Wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing that will fit over any dressing and bandages you may have after surgery.

  • Wear warm socks.

  • Shower and come clean and dry. No lotions, powders, perfumes, hair spray, or make-up.

  • Remove nail polish from at least one finger on each hand.

  • Remove all jewelry and piercings.

What to bring:
  • A responsible adult, You must arrange for a responsible family member or friend over the age of 18 to drive you home after the procedure and to ensure you have proper attention and care during your recovery. You will not be allowed to drive yourself home or to take a bus or taxi.

  • Crutches, if your surgeon has recommended them. If you bring crutches, please leave them in the car.

  • Prescription inhaler, if you use one.

  • Photo ID and Insurance card.

  • History and Physical, if your physician has given you a copy.

Please call if you have any questions or concerns.

Pre-Op Nurse     # 719-253-0009

Main Office Line # 719-253-7032


ParkWest Surgery Center, LLC

3676 Parker Blvd #140

Pueblo, Colorado 81008

For Life-Threatening Emergencies Call 911
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© 2001 ParkWest Surgery Center, LLC.

Last Modified: February 2023

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